Becoming Borderless Pioneers: Bware Labs Roadmap and Commitment to Web3 Builders

Rocket Boys
4 min readApr 14, 2023


Bware Labs was founded in 2021 with the goal of contributing to the rise of a truly decentralized Web3 ecosystem. Recognizing the need for alternative infrastructure that prioritizes decentralization, security, and accessibility, the company set out to build a decentralized platform that could serve as a backbone for the next generation of dApps, without relying on a centralized authority.

Their platform, Blast, is a multichain, subscription-based API platform that prioritizes high-tech proprietary solutions for proxying and routing user requests. It has reached over 4k weekly active users, 100+ enterprise customers, and supports over 40 networks with well over 100 billion total API calls since its launch in early 2022.

Bware Labs continued to add new projects in their validator services portfolio, expanding the total of projects to over 20 and reaching a TVL of more than $300 million. They now offer a full range of services for Avalanche Subnets and Polygon Supernets, custom indexing services on the Klaytn Network, snapshot services for Aptos, XPLA, Persistence, OKP4, Nolus, and Uptick, faucet services, and are bridge operators for Avalanche, deBridge, Axelar, Connext, and Beamer.

With a team of over 40 talented individuals, Bware Labs repositions itself to be a one-stop-shop solution provider for boosting blockchain adoption. The company aims to create an all-encompassing ecosystem that will support Web3 builders throughout their entire blockchain journey, from development to production, release, and beyond.

Bware Labs’ CEO, Flavian Manea, states that “Bware Labs is powering up Web3. Each dApp that one develops needs access to the blockchain, so our platform is like a base layer for each application. The company works at a fundamental level to help Web3 thrive. This is how we see ourselves in the Web3 ecosystem.”

In line with their mission of becoming a vehicle for boosting blockchain adoption and supporting Web3 builders, Bware Labs invites everyone who believes in their cause to join the Galactic Motorcycle Gang — a collective of builders, traders, creators, investors, developers, prospects, and anybody else who believes in the bright future of the industry.

The company is committed to building an ecosystem that supports developers every step of the way, preparing more tools and services for Web3 builders and activities for Web3 enthusiasts. Bware Labs is determined to play a decisive role in worldwide blockchain adoption and become the one-stop-shop that enables builders to explore the entire blockchain galaxy.

In conclusion, Bware Labs’ commitment to Web3 builders is unwavering as they continue to innovate and provide the necessary infrastructure for the rise of a truly decentralized Web3 ecosystem. Their roadmap is clear, and with the support of the Galactic Motorcycle Gang, they are well on their way to becoming borderless pioneers in the Web3 realm.

In addition to the current services offered by Bware Labs, the team is actively working on expanding its product offerings to cater to the needs of Web3 builders. One of the most exciting new projects that Bware Labs is working on is a decentralized exchange (DEX) called BlastSwap. BlastSwap is a highly anticipated project that will provide an easy-to-use platform for users to swap tokens and provide liquidity. The platform will be integrated with other Bware Labs products, such as Blast, and will leverage the same high-performance infrastructure that has made Blast such a success.

Bware Labs is also working on a decentralized identity solution that will enable users to have control over their personal data while still being able to participate in the Web3 ecosystem. This solution, called BwareID, will provide a secure and decentralized way for users to manage their identities, without relying on third-party providers. This is a crucial step towards a truly decentralized Web3 ecosystem, where users have complete control over their data and privacy.

The team at Bware Labs is committed to building a thriving ecosystem for blockchain builders, and they believe that collaboration is key. The company actively engages with the wider Web3 community through various initiatives, such as sponsoring hackathons and attending conferences. By working together with other Web3 pioneers, Bware Labs hopes to contribute to the development of a more open and decentralized Web3 ecosystem.

In conclusion, Bware Labs is leading the way in building a decentralized infrastructure that prioritizes security, decentralization, and accessibility. The company’s success with Blast and other products has proven that there is a strong demand for decentralized solutions in the Web3 space. With its commitment to supporting Web3 builders and contributing to the growth of a truly decentralized ecosystem, Bware Labs is paving the way for a brighter future for the blockchain industry.

Check out Bware Labs refreshed website and follow our socials for more insights!


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